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workshop, masks, shows etc. by Valentino Infuso
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name: Mamuthone
type: rural maskorigin:
Mamoiada (Sardinia), III c. A.D.
Leather mask, variation of the original Sardinian mask (which was made in wood wild pear), connected to fertility rites and used in group during the rural processions of Barbagia, with the so-called Issohadores, long marches at the rythm of solemn din of cow bells. It was created for the show:"Azanni, bonanza funerali di ricreazione per i carnivori.""The masks Mamuthones have a strong apotropaic value, during the seasonal cycle in winter, in anticipation and hope of a fertile spring season, perhaps connected to the dead kingdom and to the control of it by the community through a ritual battle."
source: Prof. Marcello Madau

type: old servant hailing from Sardinia Mask created for a performance about "Cunti" (popular tales in the Sardinian language (dialect Campidanese) ever performed . For its traits, it is a mixture between the Zagna (female variant of Zanni, that is the servant) and Mamuthone, so that is possible easily identify the mask, based on its social identity and geographical origin.
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